Trade Facilitation
The JCC create linkages within the business community locally, regionally and globally. We serve as ambassadors to mediate the expansion of local businesses through access to trade partners, foreign direct investment and local financing services. The JCC has been the premier port of call for representations of global diplomatic corps. We help to broker trade relations by helping the governments to identify the needs of our members. We act as a liaison for business trade and international relations that greatly impact doing business in Jamaica.

Discussing Improving Trade Relations, Indonesian Ambassador Meets with KADIN Jamaica

Trade Mission in the Margins of the 4th Nigeria-Jamaica Joint Commission Abuja, Nigeria
Trade is critical to the productivity of Jamaica’s economy, our Foreign Trade Policy has been centred on maintaining and securing markets for exports of goods and services under the most favourable terms at the bilateral, regional and multilateral levels. In Jamaica there are policies and procedures that are implemented by regulatory authorities that fosters a safe, transparent and equal arena for the conduct of business. Trade agreement consists of all the resources that governments may use to encourage or restrict imports and exports. These include but are not limited to tariffs, quotas and voluntary export restraints. Below you will find information on how to acquire an import and or export license and other trading statistics vital to the conduct of trade.
As of July 2020, importers applying for import permits from the Trade Board Limited (TBL) must do so through the Jamaica Single Window for Trade (JSWIFT) facility. The TBL will cease accepting new applications as part of the phased digitisation of State Border Regulatory Agencies (BRAs), facilitating import and export-related engagements under the JWIFT initiative. JSWIFT, for which the Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) is the lead implementing agency, is an electronic platform providing traders and their representatives with fully automated access to BRAs. This allows clients to conduct business transactions online.
The new arrangement facilitates traders importing commodities, such as motor vehicles, white-refined sugar for manufacturing or the retail market, bulk cement, milk powder and machinery. Upon full implementation, this ‘one-stop-shop’ facility will allow clients to apply for licences, permits, certificates and other international trade-related documents through a single portal. JSWIFT Application Form
Import License
The Trade Board is Jamaica’s certifying authority for goods exported under the various trade agreements. The legal authority for administering this policy is the Trade Act, Law 4, 1955. There are 34 items currently that require import licensing. Please check their website for the list of licensable items and the requirements.
The export process begins with applying to JAMPRO to become a registered exporter. To receive a certificate of origin from the Trade Board and to obtain export clearance for any cargo by Jamaica Customs, you must register with JAMPRO. A company, business or individual can register as an exporter. There are two types of export licences granted by the Trade Board:
Open Export Permits. These are valid for three months to one year and are issued to exporters of ores, sugar and petroleum products.
General Export Permits. These are issued for the remaining items and are valid for three months only, except for scrap metal permits which are valid for only one month.
To register for export license or permits, visit JAMPRO’s website here