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Press Release

CMOC Receives EU Funding for Programme to Provide Monitoring & Oversight of Measures to Reduce Crime, Violence and Corruption

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The Consensus 2020 Monitoring & Oversight Committee (CMOC) has been awarded a grant of €300,000 to support its monitoring and oversight of programmes to mitigate crime, violence and corruption.

The funding will supplement outlays by the domestic private sector since CMOC’s formation in 2020 as an independent body comprising stakeholders drawn from of the business community, civil society, academia, and the political directorate. CMOC itself is a product of the initiative to develop a National Consensus on Crime, which has as its ultimate objective the transformation of Jamaica into “a safe and secure society and the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business” as spelt out in the country’s Vision 2030.

CMOC has been tasked with monitoring compliance and progress of the parties in completing the deliverables agreed by the stakeholders to enable Jamaica to achieve a sustainable reduction in Crime, Violence and Corruption and, in the process, keeping the public apprised of progress by assessing the efficacy and efficiency of those programmes utilizing evidence-based performance metrics.

The EU Grant will support CMOC activities over the 3-year period 2022 to 2025.

Welcoming the grant notification, CMOC Chairman and JCC Past President Lloyd Distant Jr. lauded the EU for its support of CMOC’s programme of work. He noted that the grant will facilitate the smooth and sustainable rollout of specific activities over the near-term.

The CMOC Secretariat is housed at the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce.